Gluten free by choice; don’t understand Celiac disease = no mojo

Some people choose to eliminate gluten from their diets, others have no choice to and have to eliminate gluten from their diets for medical reasons as they have Celiac disease. They do not have a choice. Those who do it by choice annoy those who have no choice but to do it.

The movement towards gluten-free diets by choice has led to a mass misunderstanding by people of the medical necessity of a gluten-free diet for those who do have Celiac disease. Those with Celiac disease really resent being lumped in with the “fad dieters” by those who just do not understand it.

See this story: From a celiac: I don’t like gluten-free people either.

More has to be done about concussion in sport as its ruining athletes mojo

More and more sports are taking the concussion issue seriously, but so much more needs to be done. It is affecting the long term mental health and the mojo of too many athletes. Even in kids, this study has shown that a third of kids develop mental health issues after a concussion. Just making new laws led to a big jump in the treatment for concussion – what was going on with these people before the laws were implemented? More laws are needed, especially to prevent youth concussion. We can not afford to loose all that mojo in a whole generation.

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